Khutruke Saving Scheme

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Khutruke Saving Scheme


To use the small amount of money received through any means at home for capital formation, the members of the organization collect the small amount of money they have at home in Khutruke from time to time, or the employees of the organization go to the house of the member and save the savings. Khutruke savings plan is a savings plan that can be deposited without knowing the amount of money wasted. The savings plan is designed to help members develop the habit of saving by opening their savings in the name of themselves, family members, or children.

S.No. Period Annual interest rate
1 1 Year 7%
2 2 Year 8%
3 3 Year 9%





  1. A minimum of Rs. 500 and a maximum of Rs. 500 can be saved in the Khutruke Savings Scheme.

  2. Members who want to operate Khutruke Savings can deposit Rs. The khutruke can be used for a period of 500 payments. If the khutruke is returned to the institution after the expiry of the period, the deposit amount will be refunded.

  3. Khutruke will be safe in the actual institution of the box.

  4. A lump sum payment can be taken after the expiry of the lump sum amount saved.

  5. Suitable savings plan for low income people from young to old.

  6. You can save at home.

  7. Savings scheme for depositing coins, retail notes, donations from Dakshina, old carpentry goods.

  8. Birthday cakes will be provided as birthday gifts to all participants in this scheme.